Sunday, March 30, 2014

New dates to remember

Folks we want to remind you of some dates:

April 15, 2014 is the last date 1974 grads have exclusive choice of tickets to the Horse Dance August 16 2014

April 15 is also the first date that 1975s (our undergrads) can pick up pairs of tickets.

May 1, tickets open up to the public at a cost of $35.00 each until they are sold out, to a max of 300.

August 15, 2014 there will be a Social event hosted by Brian Kinsman at CEC. Details to follow.

Ticket prices: before May 1, 2014 $25.00each. After May 1, 2014 $35.00 each.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

The search continues

We still hope to have leads on the following people's whereabouts (as of March 30, 2014)

Pete Amirault
Carol Atkinson
Phil Bailey
David Beaudet
Linda Cameron
Eleanor Chard
Harold Corbett
Chris Creed
Kathy Creelman
Valerie Crowe
Stephen Davis
Ravinder Dayal
Rick Didsbury
Nancy Durning
Nora Edwards
Elizabeth Fisher
Bryan Hamilton
George Harrington
Maria Hilton
Sharon Hiltz
Darlene Hoare
Karen Jackson
Shawn Jackson
Grace Kellock
Debbie Knowles
Mary Lam
Peggy Leonard
Janice Lester
Audrey Miller
Marina MacIsaac
Steven MacKay
Randy McRae
Randy McCabe
Greg McCoul
Shannon McLean
Stephen McLeod
Kathy Miller
Debby Mooring
Linda Mowatt
Karen Murray
Karen Nelson
Pam Pauley
John Pyke
Lorna Purdy
Trent R. Rutherford
Paul Scott
Debbie Shaw
Alan Smith
Steven Smith
Bruce Swain
Donald Taylor
Shellie Tobin
Tina Walker
Heather Walls
Darlene Whidden
Doris White

If you are one of these people or can help us find our classmates, please contact Marian Munro through this blog.